No matter the scale, when you are dealing with an emergent situation, you should notify all of your staff and families in as many forms as possible to ensure the message is received. That’s why Livingtree developed its new Urgent Alert feature on the Engage platform.
The new feature is now available for school and district administrators on the web version of Livingtree Engage as a red “Send Urgent Alert” button, located at the top right of the screen upon logging in. Since school and district administrators are directly connected to families on Livingtree Engage, it made sense to incorporate a tool that could be used to communicate emergent or urgent situations.

The Livingtree Engage Urgent Alert feature quickly notifies all staff, families, and/or students in as many ways as possible. An Urgent Alert automatically pre-selects all of the classrooms and groups within a school or district network, and posts in the platform as a Text Message and Text-To-Speech Phone Alert. Families then receive the message via SMS Text Message, Automated Phone Call, Email, Mobile Push Alert, and on their Livingtree Engage Conversation feed. While every group in the network is pre-selected by default, the feature allows you to customize the selected groups for situations where only certain ones should be notified.

Typically, posts on Livingtree Engage notify families according to their set notification preferences.

But in certain situations, it is critical that a school or district communicates with everyone in more than one method. This feature overrides those notification preferences and delivers the alert in multiple forms to ensure every family is notified.
The feature also includes a tool to Configure a Default Message to make sending your school or district’s Urgent Alert that much quicker.
Whether you are experiencing severe weather, delayed buses, school delays, school closures, or any urgent issue that must be quickly broadcast to families, Livingtree Engage makes it possible to notify everyone with an Urgent Alert. For more information about the feature or to schedule a demo of Livingtree Engage, contact our team by emailing or calling (512) 957-2313 ext. 1.